About me

My name is pronounced as [ja:mur̥ sa:], and I received my Ph.D. in Linguistics from Rutgers University in October 2019, with a primary focus on semantics and the syntax-semantics interface. Currently, I am a lecturer in the Department of Linguistics at Rutgers University. Previously, I held various faculty positions at Harvard, Princeton, and Queens College, CUNY.

My dissertation, which was advised by Veneeta Dayal, investigates the semantics of bare nouns in languages with and without articles, kind reference, counting, and optional classifiers together with the morpho-syntactic operations that manipulate them. It primarily focuses on a comparison of Turkish with English complemented by my fieldwork-based research on Farsi and Western Armenian.

I am deeply passionate about unraveling the abstract linguistic representations that underlie language, and my research journey is guided by burning curiosity about how meanings emerge from complex linguistic forms and where variations in meaning manifest themselves. I probe the interplay between semantics, pragmatics, and syntax in diverse linguistic phenomena, from kind reference and number marking to pseudo-noun incorporation, exploring how these phenomena interact with case, agreement, and argument structure. I employ a versatile toolkit, harnessing formal methods in theoretical linguistics, as well as experimental and fieldwork approaches.

My ongoing research explores counting constructions, (in)definiteness, demonstratives, and information structure, the syntax and semantics of pseudo-incorporation, and the mass-count distinction. I am currently involved in several collaborative research projects as part of The Meaning and Modality Lab at Harvard and in the series of experiments conducted under the aegis of the DFG Scientific Network Definiteness Across Domains. I am also an affiliate of The Meaning Across Languages Lab (MAL Lab) at Rutgers. In addition, I am moderating a collaborative fieldwork study and investigating the interaction of argument structure, case, agreement, and bare noun semantics in two dialects of Laz, an endangered South Caucasian language spoken in Türkiye and Georgia.

Dissertation: The Semantics of Number Marking: Reference to Kinds, Counting, and Optional Classifiers [pdf]




Event Kinds and Two-layered Argument Structure: Insights from Agent Pseudo-incorporation. Invited colloquium talk at Rutgers University. October 18.

Pseudo-incorporation, Event Kinds, and Atelicity. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 29 (SuB 29). [slides, abstract]

Ankana Saha, Yağmur Sağ, Jian Cui, and Kathryn Davidson. Mandarin Demonstratives as Strong Definites. Proceedings of The 34th Meeting of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT 34). [slides of the ELM version]

Fake Mass Nouns and Associative Plurality. Proceedings of The 54th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 54). [pdf]

Cardinality and (In)definiteness. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 28 (SuB 28). [pdf]

Yağmur Sağ, Ömer Demirok, and Muhammet Bal. Subject Pseudo-incorporation in Laz. Proceedings of The West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 41 (WCCFL 41). [pdf]

Ongoing Projects


2023. Jointly with Agata Renans, Jacopo Romoli, Nihan Ketrez, and Lyn Tieu. An Experimental Investigation of Plural Mass Nouns in Turkish.

2023. Jointly with Florian Schwarz. Exploring the contrast between weak and strong definiteness experimentally: Turkish

2022-2023. Jointly with Ankana Saha and Kate Davidson. Focus on demonstratives: Experiments in English, Turkish, Bangla, and Mandarin.


2022. Jointly with Ömer Demirok and Muhammet Bal.
The Interaction of Argument Structure, Case, Agreement, and Bare Noun Semantics in Laz [The Pazar (Atina) and Çamlıhemşin (Vica) dialects]



2024. Yağmur Sağ, Ömer Demirok, and Muhammet Bal. A Novel Architecture for Pseudo-incorporation. Under review in Natural Language & Linguistic Theory.


2024. On the (non-)optionality of the Turkish classifier tane. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. [accepted]

2023. Ömer Demirok and Yağmur Sağ. Are there aspectless tensed clauses in Turkish? Languages 8(1), 60 [invited contribution to Special Issue “Theoretical Studies on Turkic Languages”]

2022. Bare Singulars and Singularity in Turkish. Linguistics and Philosophy 45. pp. 741-793 [published online in 2021]

2020. Agata Renans, Yağmur Sağ, Nihan Ketrez, Lyn Tieu, George Tsoulas, Raffaella Folli, Hanna de Vries, and Jacopo Romoli. Plurality and Cross-linguistic Variation: An Experimental Investigation of the Turkish Plural. Natural Language Semantics 28. pp.307-342.


2020. Veneeta Dayal and Yağmur Sağ. Determiners and Bare Nouns. Annual Review of Linguistics. Volume 6. 173-94. https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev-linguistics-011718-011958


2023. Ankana Saha, Yağmur Sağ, Kathryn Davidson. Focus on Demonstratives: Experiments in English and Turkish. Proceedings of The 33rd Meeting of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT 33).

2023. Yağmur Sağ and Ömer Demirok. Getting even without “even” in Turkish. Proceedings of The 53rd Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 53). 

2020. The Curious Case of Measure Semantics. Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 55).

2018. The Semantics of Turkish Numeral Constructions. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 22 (SuB 22), ZAS.

2018. Person agreement in the Denizli Dialect of Turkish. Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL 10). MITWPL.

2017. Verbal Head Incorporation in Turkish. Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL 12). MITWPL.

2017. Complex Predication via Phrasal Adjunction to a Head Category. Proceedings of the 34th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 34). Casscadilla Proceedings Project. http://www.lingref.com/cpp/wccfl/34/abstract3349.html

2015. The spell-out of combined predicate structures in Turkish: a nano-syntactic analysis. Ankara Papers in Turkish and Turkic Linguistics. TURKOLOGICA:103. Harrassowitz Verlag. Wiesbaden. 202-215.

2013. Denizli ağzında tümcesel tümleçlerin yapısı: Ölçünlü Türkçe ile karşılaştırmalı bir çalışma. [The structure of sentential complements in the Denizli dialect: A comparison with Standard Turkish] Proceedings of the 26th Dilbilim Kurultayı (All-Turkey Linguistics Conference), Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi.

2013. Copula in Turkish. Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL 8), MITWPL 67.


2019. Paloma Jeretič and Yağmur Sağ (eds). Proceedings of the Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic: Vol. 4. Linguistic Society of America.


2016. On the Semantics of Classifiers: A New Perspective from an Optional Classifier Language, Turkish. Ms. Rutgers University. [Qualifying Paper]

2015. Complex Predicate Formation via Adjunction to a Head Category: Evidence from Light Verb Constructions in Turkish. Ms. Rutgers University. [Qualifying Paper]

2013. The Verbal Functional Domain in the Denizli Dialect of Turkish. MA Thesis. Boğaziçi University, Istanbul.


Talks & Posters


2024.  Pseudo-incorporation, Event Kinds, and Atelicity. Sinn und Bedeutung 29 (SuB 29), Consorzio Universitario Mediterraneo Orientale, September 17-19.

2024. Jointly with Ankana Saha,Jian Cui, and Kathryn Davidson. Mandarin Demonstratives as Strong Definites. The 3rd Experiments in Linguistic Meaning (ELM 3), UPenn, June 12-14.

2023. Number Marking, (Singular) Kind Reference, and Pseudo-incorporation. Linguistics Colloquium Talks at The University of Maryland, December 8. [invited]

2023. On the (Non-)optionality of the Turkish Classifier tane, Cardinality, and (In)definiteness. İzmir Dilbilim Çevresi. Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey, November 22. [invited]

2023. F. Schwarz, A. Renans, D. Ahn, F. Bergsma, N. Chanchaochai, R. Duah, I. Driemel, L. Geist, M. Grubic, S. Korsah, S-Y Lam, C. Meier, Y. Sağ, A. Saha, R. Simik, A. Simonenko. Two types of definites — cross-linguistic experimental study. Talk at Crosslinguistic Perspectives on Processing and Learning (X-PPL 2023), University of Zurich, November 6-8.

2023. Counting and Classifiers. Guest lecture at Yale University, October 10. [invited]

2023. Jointly with Ankana Saha and Kate Davidson. Focus on Demonstratives: Experiments in English and Turkish. The 4th Meeting of Definiteness Across Domains. Ruhr-Universität Bochum, September 9-10.  [invited]

2023. Cardinality and (In)definiteness. Sinn und Bedeutung 28 (SuB 28), Ruhr-Universität Bochum, September 5-8.

2023. Mass vs. Count: Where does Turkish stand? Logic Grammar Meaning. University of Milano-Bicocca, June 7. [invited]

2023. Number Marking, Kind Reference, and Singularity. UMass Amherst Colloquium Series. April 7. [invited]

2023. Jointly with Ömer Demirok and Muhammet Bal. Subject pseudo-incorporation in Laz. Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic (Tu+8), Harvard University, March 4-5.

2023. Jointly with Ömer Demirok. Getting even without “even” in Turkish. The 53rd Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 53), University of Göttingen, January 12-14.

2022. Cardinality and (In)definiteness.  Language & Cognition Meeting at Harvard, October 25. [invited]

2022. Fieldwork notes on Laz. Fieldwork Symposium at BU/MIT/Harvard, October 21.

2021. Bare singulars and singularity in Turkish. The Harvard Linguistics Circle Workshop, October 29. [invited]

2021. On the (Non-)optionality of the Turkish Classifier tane. The 6th Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic (Tu+ 6), University of Toronto, February 19-20.

2019. The Curious Case of Measure Semantics. The 55th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 55), The University of Chicago, May 16-18.

2017. The Semantics of Numeral Constructions in Turkish. Sinn und Bedeutung 22 (SuB 22), ZAS, September 7-10.

2017. The Semantics of Numeral Constructions in Turkish. RULing XII, Rutgers University, May 5.

2017. Turkish, an Optional Classifier Language with Plurals. The 41st Penn Linguistics Conference (PLC 41), UPenn, March 24-26.

2016. Turkish, an Optional Classifier Language with Plurals. MACSIM 6, CUNY, October 1.

2016. The Semantics of Number in Turkish. RULing XI, Rutgers University, April 2.

2015. Complex Predicate Formation via Adjunction to a Head Category: Evidence from Light Verb Constructions in Turkish. Turkish, Turkic and the Languages of Turkey (Tu+1), UMass, Amherst. November 21-22.

2015. Light Verb Constructions in Turkish. RULing X, Rutgers University, May 2.

2014. Person Agreement in the Denizli Dialect of Turkish. RULing IX, Rutgers University, April 11-12.

2012. The Copula and the Embedded Structure in Denizli Dialect of Turkish: A Nano-syntactic Analysis. The 16th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics (ICTL 16), Middle East Technical University, September 18-21.

2012. Koşacın Denizli Ağzındaki Yeri ve İşlevi [The position and function of the copula in the Denizli Dialect]. 26. Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı (the 26th All-Turkey Linguistics Conference), Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, May 24-26.

2012. The Nominalized Complements in Two Dialects of Turkish: Evidence from the copula. Boğaziçi Linguistic Circle- BLC, Boğaziçi University, May 9.


2024.  Jointly with Ankana Saha, Jian Cui, and Kathryn Davidson. Mandarin Demonstratives as Strong Definites. The 34th Meeting of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT 34), University of Rochester, May 28-30.

2023.  Jointly with Ankana Saha and Kate Davidson. Focus on Demonstratives: Experiments in English and Turkish. The 33rd Meeting of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT 33), Yale University, May 12-14.

2023. Cardinality and (In)definiteness. The Workshop on (In)definiteness across Languages, Yale University, May 11.

2023. Jointly with Ömer Demirok and Muhammet Bal. Subject Pseudo-incorporation in Laz. The West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 41 (WCCFL 41), The University of California, Santa Cruz, May 5-7.

2019. The Curious Case of Measure Semantics. MACSIM 8, NYU, April, 6.

2019. On the (Non-)optionality of the Turkish classifier. Workshop on Identifying (In)definiteness, Yale University, March, 29-30 [invited].

2018. Pseudo-incorporation as Sub-event Kind Formation. The 14th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL 14), Massachusetts Institute Technology, October 19-21.

2016. Verbal Head Incorporation in Turkish. The 12th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL 12), Central Connecticut State University, May 12-15.

2016. Complex Predication via Phrasal Adjunction to a Head Category. The West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 34 (WCCFL 34), The University of Utah, April 29 – May 1.

2016. Pseudo-Verb Incorporation via Phrasal Adjunction to V0. The 40th Penn Linguistics Conference (PLC 40), UPenn, March 18-20.

2014. Person agreement in the Denizli dialect of Turkish. The 10th Workshop on Altaic Formal Languages (WAFL 10), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 2-4. [Winner of the Best Poster Award]

2012. The Nominalized Complements in Two Dialects of Turkish: Evidence from the copula. The 8th Workshop on Formal Altaic Linguistics (WAFL 8), Stuttgart University, May 18-20.




2025 Spring  Semantics (LING 325) [undergraduate]

2025 Spring  Pragmatics (LING 350) [undergraduate]

2024 Fall  Semantics (LING 325) [undergraduate]

2024 Fall  Pragmatics (LING 350) [undergraduate]


2024 Spring  Structure of Turkish (Ling 187) [graduate]

2024 Spring  Knowledge of Meaning (Ling 106) [undergraduate]

2024 Spring  Senior Writing Thesis Year (Ling 99B) [undergraduate]

2023 Fall  Senior Writing Thesis Year (Ling 99A) [undergraduate]

2023 Spring  Structure of Turkish (Ling 187) [graduate]

2023 Spring  Senior Writing Thesis Year (Ling 99B) [undergraduate]

2022 Fall  The Science of Language: An Introduction (Ling 101) [undergraduate]

2022 Fall  Senior Writing Thesis Year (Ling 99A) [undergraduate]

2022 Spring  Topics in Semantics [Bare Nominals] (Ling 207r), co-taught with Gennaro Chierchia [graduate]

2022 Spring  Knowledge of Meaning (Ling 106) [undergraduate]

2021 Fall  Semantic Theory I (Ling 116) [graduate]

2021 Fall  The Science of Language: An Introduction (Ling 101) [undergraduate]


2020-2021  Introduction to Language and Linguistics (LIN 201)[undergraduate]


2021 Spring Advanced English Syntax (LCD 220) [undergraduate]

2020 Fall Understanding English Grammar (LCD 120) [undergraduate]

2020 Spring Advanced English Syntax (LCD 220) [undergraduate]


2016-2017 Introduction to the Study of Language (LING 101)[undergraduate]

2015-2016 Introduction to Linguistics (LING 201) [undergraduate]


2011-2013 EFL Instructor

2012 Material Development Coordinator



2022-2023 Ankana Saha. Kind reference in Bangla, Committee member for Generals Paper [graduate]

2022-2023 Ankana Saha. The anaphoric potential of demonstrative descriptions: An experimental study, Committee member for Generals Paper [graduate]

2022-2023 Daria Bikina.(In)definiteness in Russian bare arguments: An experimental study, Committee member for Generals Paper [graduate]

2021 Fall:  Reading & Special Topics (Ling 301) Yi-Chi Wu. The Semantics and Pragmatics of Information Structure in Mandarin [graduate]